Sunday, July 12, 2009

Project 365: Day 193 -- Summer Storms

When I was I think 12 years old, we lived in a subdivision in Franklin, TN. We were kind of up on a hill, and could see a lot of the other houses from our house, even several streets over. That summer, we had a lot of thunderstorms, which is typical summer weather in the south. What I remember about this summer is that two of our neighbors' homes were struck by lighting and burned to the ground about a month a part.

Ever since then, I have been terrified of lightning and thunderstorms. Almost as much as tornadoes. But as I still live in the south, these storms are a part of life. Not just in the summer, but all year 'round, since our temperatures can be very unpredictable. Yesterday afternoon, a band of storms came through, and looked pretty scary. The first photo shows the sky about 15-20 minutes before the rain hit. The second photo shows the eerie yellow light that followed the worst of the storm.

We were very fortunate that this band of storms didn't spawn any tornadoes, and as far as I know, no real damage anywhere. But I sure was glad when it was over!

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